Cervids: family of ungulate mammals whose males carry antlers (deer, roe deer…). (Larousse, n.d.)
Last December, the Court of Appeal suspended the controlled hunting of deer that currently overpopulate the famous Michel-Chartrand Park in Longueuil. The case will have to be […]
Starting this Wednesday, December 7th, Montreal will host the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP) of the United Nations until December 19th. This conference will focus on the Convention on Biological Diversity, which was first signed in 1992 at the […]
In order to reverse the degradation of waterways and wetlands on the territory of Otterburn Park city, T2 Environnement and the Institut de recherche en biologie végétale de l’Université de Montréal (IRBV) are developing a research project aimed at proposing […]
For several years, urban, industrial or agricultural development has caused a significant degradation of ecosystems, leading to various consequences, notably on biodiversity. However, these ecosystems are essential for the services they provide. Healthy ecosystems not only supply us with many […]
Here is an article published in Québec Sciences that summarizes our R&D work related to the restoration of waste rock piles north of Schefferville. Thanks to Tata Steel Minerals Canada for their trust.
Comment restaurer une ancienne mine de fer?
Given the popularity of the wetland soil training that Hugo gave last year, the Association des biologistes du Québec (ABQ) is doing it again this year with new dates! In addition, for those who desire to perfect their knowledge of […]
Did you know that we had several carnivorous plants in Quebec?
Here is one called the northern pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea). The preys (flies and other small insects) are attracted by the colours of the pitcher plant and settle on it. […]
Hugo, à titre de vice-président secteur Biodiversité chez Réseau Environnement, a remis le prix Distinctions Diversité biologique à la Ville de Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu lors de la Cérémonie des Distinctions qui a eu lieu le 22 mars 2017 à Montréal, à l’occasion […]
Le Dr Louis Bernatchez et son équipe, en collaboration avec le ministère des Forêts de la Faune et des Parcs, a confirmé la présence de la carpe asiatique dans les eaux québécoises. Le terme carpe asiatique regroupe quatre espèces : la carpe de roseau, […]
La revue Urbanité consacre son numéro du printemps 2016 aux friches urbaines. Nous vous invitons à prendre connaissance de ce numéro et à lire notre article. Cliquez ici pour lire l’article. Bonne lecture! N’hésitez pas à nous transmettre vos commentaires.
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