We’re delighted to invite you to discover T2 Environnement’s article in Réseau Environnement’s magasine Vecteur Environnement (September 2023) .
It’s a two-page article on a subject close to our hearts: the place of interns in science. This article is presented in […]
It’s often said that there are 2 types of people: those who live to work and those who work to live. I began my university studies according to the 1st principle. In search of a great career in business, I […]
On March 21, Hugo received a Distinction 2023 – Réseau Environnement award (link only in French). It is the Biodiversity Sector Distinction, one of the 11 prizes awarded at this event. It was presented at Americana the Environmental Forum and […]
T2 Environnement recently had the chance to welcome Audrey Foisy-Morissette to its team. She graduated from the Université du Québec à Rimouski as a biologist and obtained a college diploma in bioecology at the Cégep Sainte-Foy. Since obtaining her university […]
In order to reverse the degradation of waterways and wetlands on the territory of Otterburn Park city, T2 Environnement and the Institut de recherche en biologie végétale de l’Université de Montréal (IRBV) are developing a research project aimed at proposing […]
Ms. Amandine Bonet, PhD, recently joined the T2 Environment team. Holding a doctorate specializing in water-soil and environment interactions and a master’s degree in environmental health specializing in toxicology in 2019, Amandine allows T2 to broaden and deepen its services […]
From July 16th to July 31st, Hugo was in Cambridge Bay on Victoria Island in the Canadian High Arctic. He stayed there for two weeks to contribute to the research of the Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS) with his […]
T2 Environnement est à la recherche d’un biologiste avec de fortes capacité en géomatique. Pour plus d’information cliquez ici: Appel de candidatures
Nous vous remercions à l’avance de l’intérêt porté à notre entreprise, T2 Environnement.
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