Working outdoor is almost finished for the season. Before we head back to our warm offices for the winter, we wanted to share with you the reasons why working outside feels so good for us. I asked two questions to […]

The Mont-Bellevue in Sherbrooke, the Haut Saint François and the Granit MRCs around Mont-Mégantic, have initiatives to bring back the starry sky. The main objective is to enable people to admire the stars. Those human initiatives also have an impact […]

Elementary school closures, outreach activities, gatherings for observation… The solar eclipse on April 8 will turn our Monday afternoons upside down, but it will also have a major impact on other living organisms. Let’s see how animals react to solar […]

Sugar shack season is here. Finally, we can enjoy maple products. As we all know, to make maple syrup, we have to boil the maple water collected from the trees, but do you know how a tree can produce this […]

Days are getting shorter and weather colder. To get through the winter, trees have two main ways of adapting: either dressed or bare. Some trees will lose their leaves before winter, while others will keep them. How can trees survive […]

How can you tell the difference between swamps, marshes, ponds and peatlands ?
There are four main types of wetlands. Can you identify them when you’re out in nature ? Awaken the detective in you and discover the clues that […]


L’être humain est le principal utilisateur de l’environnement. Très peu de milieux naturels ont échappé à ses diverses interventions: chasse, pêche, loisirs, exploitation agricole, forestière ou minière, développement urbain, empiétement sur les milieux riverains et aquatiques, assèchement de terres humides, […]

The water in our streams, rivers and creeks comes from somewhere. Contrary to the expression, water falls from the sky ! Its distribution in the various watercourses is governed by watersheds.
Image from Alain Lennuyeux
Do you know what a watershed is?
A […]

The shoreline is the area bordering a lake or waterway, beginning at the limit of the littoral zone. It’s a territory that begins when the ground rises above the water (high-water mark) and ends inland. The shoreline often comprises a […]

Now that you’re familiar with aquatic plants (see July 22 article), discover phytoremediation using duckweed!
Understanding the mechanism

Phytoremediation is the decontamination of an environment using plants. Specifically, for duckweed, it is the rhizofiltration technic. The ability of certain plants to absorb contaminants […]