We’re delighted to invite you to discover T2 Environnement’s article in  Réseau Environnement’s magasine Vecteur Environnement (September 2023) .
It’s a two-page article on a subject close to our hearts: the place of interns in science. This article is presented in […]

It’s often said that there are 2 types of people: those who live to work and those who work to live. I began my university studies according to the 1st principle. In search of a great career in business, I […]

Agriculture, water purification systems and a wide range of businesses all have wastewater to treat. A filtering marsh is a choice technic for decontaminating these water effluents. It’s sure to be of interest for plant lovers !
A filtering marsh is […]

Now that you’re familiar with aquatic plants (see July 22 article), discover phytoremediation using duckweed!
Understanding the mechanism

Phytoremediation is the decontamination of an environment using plants. Specifically, for duckweed, it is the rhizofiltration technic. The ability of certain plants to absorb contaminants […]

We often forget that our first food source is nature. Before fields, arable and livestock farming, there were forests, plains, lakes and rivers. Even today, wilderness areas – and sometimes our own backyards – abound with edible produce! We only […]

Is a swamp just a place with waterlogged and a smelly soil? Many people know very little about wetlands and water environments, especially about the importance of preserving them.
Wetland, such as a marsh, swamp, peat bog or pond, is an […]

After the no mow May, let’s continue in the same vein for pollinators and biodiversity this summer! Why not transform some of your lawn ? You could create a better habitat for our discreet neighbors, insects and other arthropods.
Choosing a […]

Our colleague Audrey Foisy-Morissette decided to take a week of vacation this spring. Some would say that a vacation is meant to relax, but for Audrey a vacation in May is only the best opportunity to go birding! Since 2018, […]

Our winter interns have completed their internship and our summer intern is arrived. We would like to take this opportunity of this transition to introduce you to their importance for T2 Environment (T2).  
First, the interns on our team contribute to the […]

When will spring return? Earlier !
Are you familiar with the concept of phenology? It is the temporality associated with key stages of species’ life cycle. It is an internal calendar of development for each species, example ; appearance of cotyledons, […]