Development of a corrective measures plan to be implemented for the restoration of a wetland in Montérégie

Enviro 3D Conseils – 2015-2019

T² Environnement was mandated to develop a corrective measures plan in response to a notice of non-compliance issued by the Ministère de l’Environnement et la Lutte contre les changements climatiques (MELCC) concerning, among other things, a backfill created in a swamp located in Montérégie.

The environment was first characterized and then a restoration plan was drafted. The restoration plan consists of creating a mosaic of wetlands to increase the diversity of habitats in the area and to enhance the structural components of the biological environment already in place over an area of 0.8 ha. The site to be restored presents various significant challenges. First, the cleared and stripped area is heavily invaded by common reed and buckthorn. There are also ditches, near the area to be restored, which inevitably drain the wetland.