Characterization of biophysical components and impact assessments for the operation of a sand pit in Val-des-Monts

Enviro 3D Conseils – 2018-2019

T² Environnement has carried out an inventory of the biological and physical components that could be impacted by a proposed project to operate a sand and gravel borrow pit.

T² Environnement biologists have characterized the wetlands and water environments as well as the sensitive wildlife and plant habitats on the site. Forest and non-forest non-wetland ecosystems were also delineated and briefly characterized during this inventory. A report presenting the results of the inventories carried out by T² Environnement biologists has been produced.

Further inventories are planned for 2019, as well as the assessment of the associated impacts and the production of the various documents related to the application for a certificate of authorization (CA). T² Environnement coordinated the inventories in order to increase the efficiency of each field visit. All the data essential for a good environmental impact assessment are thus collected at a lower cost.