The City has restored and created wetlands and hydric environments in the watersheds of its two main watercourses heavily disturbed by agriculture and urbanization. The main objective of the project is to restore the ecological functions of the coastline and the banks of two waterways, and to create wetlands with high-biodiversity while improving the experience of surrounding users. The project targets are to:
- Sustainably restore the coastline and banks of a 120 m-long section of the Bernard watercourse.
- Sustainably restore the coastline and banks of two sections of the Duclos-Casavant and Bernard-Est watercourse, totalling 1.6 km.
- Create 3 diverse and sustainable riparian shrub and tree wetlands totaling 4,200 m2.
- Create 1 pond of 1,500 m2 offering a wide variety of permanent habitats for aquatic fauna.
The works were completed in the summer and fall of 2024.
This project was made possible by the MELCCFP’s Programme de restauration et de création de milieux humides et hydriques (PRCMHH). To find out more about the PRCMHH, we invite you to read our article published this fall in the magazine Urbanité.